Link to enlarge Masculine head from Palenque Chiapas from photo by Michel Zabé WHO'S WHO IN THE CLASSIC MAYA WORLD
Peter Mathews
Yax B'alam    Ruler of Santa Elena Poco Uinic (born AD 766(?), ruled 782-790)SEP 001

SEP:Stela 1
Drawing by Peter Mathews
The Front of Stela 1 was carved with a figure, now badly weathered, but it appears to portray a deity rather than a human. Stela 1 of Santa Elena Poco Uinic portrays a human, but no accompanying inscription survives. Based on its style, Stela 1 was likely commissioned around the same time as Stela 3. I have tentatively ascribed it to the reign of Yax B'alam, and I include the Stela 1 portrait here.

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